A Single-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Trial Assessing the Efficacy and Safety Parameters of Traditional Thai Medicine, Aphayathikun, in Prediabetic Men with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms http://www.doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v7i11.12
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Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are not only more common in the elderly, but various pathophysiological pathways suggest a link between hyperglycemia and LUTS. Due to the long-standing traditional use of medicinal plants in Thailand, the present work aims to establish the safety and efficacy of Aphayathikun (AP), a recorded Thai Traditional medicinal drug for LUTS. The standardized decoction of AP has been established, and phenolic and flavonoid content, antioxidant activity, and in vivo toxicity were assessed using previously published methods. A randomized, open-label, controlled study was conducted on 34 prediabetic men with mild to moderate uncomplicated LUTS. As a supplementary treatment for standard self-management, 30 mL of AP decoction was administered thrice daily before meals for 14 consecutive days. Baseline and endpoint (the 4th week) improvements in IPSS scores, blood glucose control, serum lipid profiles, and liver function testing of the subjects were determined. There was an improvement in the total IPSS score and a significant decrease in the IPSS voiding and storage subscores among the subjects in the AP group. Additionally, the quality-of-life index, as measured by the IPSS, and the number of nocturia episodes per night decreased significantly from baseline to the 4th week in the AP group. This traditional polyherbal preparation, AP decoction, appears to be a safe and effective therapy option for the alternative treatment of mild-to-moderate LUTS in prediabetic patients.
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