Gastro-Floating Drug Delivery Systems - A Review

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Ovenseri C. Airemwen
Michael U. Uhumwangho


Sustained release and site targeted drug delivery system have been an interesting research topic in pharmaceutical sector to maximize therapeutic benefits and patient adherence to therapy. GastroFloating Drug Delivery System (GFDDS) is one of the numerous mechanisms to prolong gastric residence time, thereby achieving site-targeted drug release in the stomach for local or systemic effects. This method is useful for medications with narrow absorption window in the upper part of gastro intestinal tract (GIT). Several approaches to GFFDS, including effervescent and noneffervescent methods including the sublimation and sintering techniques used in the formulation of GFDDS with no floating lag time have been discussed in this review. This update also gives an overview of advantages, disadvantages and commercial products of GFDDS.


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C. Airemwen, O., & U. Uhumwangho, M. (2017). Gastro-Floating Drug Delivery Systems - A Review. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 1(3), 105-109.

How to Cite

C. Airemwen, O., & U. Uhumwangho, M. (2017). Gastro-Floating Drug Delivery Systems - A Review. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 1(3), 105-109.


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