Potential Risk of Senescence on Male fertility and Sperm DNA damage on Progeny
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There is a growing concern of the potential risk of producing genetically defective sperm and transmitting germ-line mutations to progeny by fathers who prefer their children at old age. Men with male factor infertility do not readily make themselves available for evaluation until very late when they seek assisted reproduction technique. The objective of this review is to highlight the impact of senescence on oxidative DNA damage on spermatozoa and possible effects on the progeny. Relevant literatures on oxidative sperm damage were reviewed in addition to the experience and publications we have made over the years on male factor infertility. Older men produce more spermatozoa with oxidative DNA damage probably due to enhance generation of reactive oxygen species, aberrant DNA repair mechanism leading to production of spermatozoa with abnormal genetic materials that could have adverse consequences on the progeny. It is suggested that men should have their children early and those with male factor infertility should seek medical attention early before old age. Adequate precaution should be taken when selecting spermatozoa for use during assisted reproduction technique.
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