Pyrenacantha staudtii Hutch and Dalz (Icacinaceae): A review of Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Future Perspectives
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Various parts (stem bark, leaves and roots) of Pyrenacantha staudtii Hutch and Dalz, Icacinaceae are used traditionally in Nigeria and other West and Central African folk medicine in the treatment of various ailments.
Databases of Scifinder, Pubmed, Google Scholar, and Medline were explored for original studies using the following search terms and the combinations thereof: Pyrenacantha, Pyrenacantha staudtii, phytochemical screening, isolated compounds, pharmacological activities, toxicity and ethnomedicinal uses. Search results were collated and studied, extracting relevant results to the aim of this review. The search involves all publications available (originally or translated) in English language till date.
The study revealed that different parts of P. staudti have been used in Nigeria ethnomedicine, the Cameroons and other African countries in the management of disease conditions such as malaria, cancer, intestinal colic, threatened abortion, gout, inflammations, convulsions, menstrual disorders, ulcers and sleep disorders, in the form of decoctions, pastes and concoctions. These ethnomedicinal uses have also been scientifically validated by various researchers.
The results of this study do not only provide a concise overview on ethnomedicinal uses and pharmacology (anticancer, tocolytic, antiulcerogenic, antimalaria, insecticidal etc.) of various parts of P. staudtii but also the current stage of research on this rarely mentioned plant. It also set forth future perspectives, providing grounds for further scientific exploration of its bioactive
constituents with a view of identifying drug leads and or new chemical entities.
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