Effect of Fermentation Time on Proximate Composition, Phytochemical and Functional Properties of Delonix regia Seeds http://www.doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v7i10.36
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This study looked at how the length of fermentation influenced the proximate, phytochemical, and functional characteristics of Delonix regia seeds. For each treatment, 600g of the drained-soaked seeds were used. the treatments were in triplicate in a completely randomized design. The seeds were naturally fermented in polythene bags for different lengths of time in a dark place. There were five treatments, denoted T1, T2, T3, T4, and T5, with corresponding fermentation durations of 0 days, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, and 4 days. The results showed that T5 had a higher crude fat content at 20.83, while T1, the unfermented control, had the lowest at 10.37. The crude fibre content in T1 showed a high value of 9.58, whereas T2 and T5 gave the highest and lowest values among the fermented treatments at 9.30 and 7.05, respectively. T1 at 39.99 alkaloid content was higher but lower in T5 at 36.01. T2 saponin at 9.92 was higher but lower in T5 (7.40). T1 had a better water absorbing capacity (38.88), while T4 had a better oil absorbing capacity (19.60). The bulk density and specific gravity in the treatments were not significantly different. The best value for Paste clarity was at T4 (85.03). The study showed that the phytochemical composition of the Delonix regia seeds dropped with increased fermentation time, and the proximate composition of the seeds improved, signifying that fermentation enhances the seeds' nutritional properties. To optimize its nutritional potential, it is recommended to ferment the seeds for at least three days.
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