Polyphenolic Compounds, Triterpenes, Carlina Oxide, Antioxidant Activity and Carbohydrate Profile of Different Vegetal Parts of Carlina vulgaris L., Carlina acanthifolia All. and Carlina corymbosa L. http://www.doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v7i10.18
Main Article Content
It is known that plants from the Carlina genus possessed many biologic activity due to the bioactive compounds. The current study investigates the phytochemical constituents and antioxidant potential of the different vegetal parts of Carlina vulgaris L., Carlina acanthifolia All. and Carlina corymbosa L. The samples (roots and aerial part) were collected from Bulgaria (Golo Bardo and Vlahina mountains). Total phenols, flavonoids, individual phenolic compounds, triterpenes, phytosterols, carlina oxide, fructans, and individual sugars were determined. Antioxidant potential was evaluated using four methods. The highest total phenolic content was found in ethanol extract from C. acantifololia All. roots. Three phenolic acids (chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, and salicylic acid), three flavonoids (rutin, hesperidin, and quercetin), and triterpenes (lupeol and betulin) were detected in all samples (mainly in roots). However, p-Coumaric acid and ursolic acid were detected only in C. vulgaris, while carlina oxide was found only in C. acantifololia All. roots. The result showed that the roots of C. acanthifolia All. were characterized by appreciable amounts of total fructans (20 g/100 g dry weight), while inulin represented 18-12 g/100 g of dry weight. Sugars were found in all plant materials. The current study provides data about the chemical composition of extracts obtained from three members of the Carlina genus and their use as a source of antioxidants, phenolic compounds, carlina oxide, and inulin-type prebiotics.
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