Host-Plant Species Effect on Anti-Diabetic Activity of African Mistletoe (Loranthus bengwensis) in STZ induced Diabetic Rats
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African mistletoe (Loranthus bengwensis) is a hemi-parasitic plant which grows in all parts of Nigeria. It is used in the form of tisane (decoction), as a traditional herbal treatment for various forms of ailments especially as an anti-diabetic. The present study evaluated the host-plant effect on the anti-diabetic activity of the African mistletoe growing in the Northern part of Nigeria. Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic male Wister rats were orally administered with decoction (0.01 g/cm3) of African mistletoe, parasiting on lemon (Citrus limon), guava (Psidium guajava) and jathropha (Jathropha curcas) trees respectively for 28 days (ad libitum) as the only source of fluid. The decoction from African mistletoe parasiting on lemon and guava trees were found to cause a significant reduction in the blood glucose level (40%) of the diabetic rats while the decoction prepared from the jathropha tree caused a significant elevation of blood glucose (60%) in the STZ-induced diabetic rats. The results obtained indicated that Africa mistletoe possesses significant anti-diabetic activity and this anti-diabetic activity may be influenced by the hostplant species.
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