Ethanol extract of <i>Imperata cylindrica</i> Roots Potential as an Aphrodisiac in Male Wistar Rats

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I Nyoman G Wardana
I Gusti A Widianti
I Nyoman M Karmaya
Jaqueline Sudiman Muliani


The roots of Imperata cylindrica are used by many ethnic groups in Indonesia as an aphrodisiac. This study determined the aphrodisiac properties of the ethanol extract of I. cylindrica roots in male Wistar rats. The experimental animal was 25 male and 15 female Wistar rats aged 4 – 5 months. The male rate had at least two previous copulation experiences. The ethanol extract of I. cylindrica was administered orally to the treatment group for 28 days at 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg. The group given sildenafil citrate (5 mg/kg BW) and distilled water served as positive and negative controls, respectively. On day 29, the serum testosterone level and sexual behavior parameters (mounting and intromission latency, mounting and intromission frequency, ejaculation latency, and postejaculatory mounting interval) were observed and assessed. Administration of the ethanol extract of I. cylindrica roots for 28 days resulted in decreased mounting and intromission latency and increased mounting and intromission frequency at all doses. There was an increase in ejaculation latency at 100 and 200 mg/kg BW doses and a decrease in the postejaculatory mounting interval at 100 and 200 mg/kg BW doses. A 100 mg/kg BW dose approached the giving sildenafil effect (5 mg/kg BW) as a positive control. Serum testosterone levels increased at all doses of the extract. The ethanol extract of I. cylindrica roots has the potential to act as an aphrodisiac, with the possible mechanism of action being an increase in testosterone levels. 

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How to Cite
Wardana, I. N. G., Widianti, I. G. A., Karmaya, I. N. M., & Muliani, J. S. (2023). Ethanol extract of <i>Imperata cylindrica</i> Roots Potential as an Aphrodisiac in Male Wistar Rats: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 7(9), 3989–3994. Retrieved from


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