Synthesis of a Non-toxic Organic Ionic Liquid Triazole Derivative: Application in Inhibition against Corrosion Copper in a Neutral Chloride Environment
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Environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitors have gained popularity in recent years due to growing environmental concerns caused by the widespread usage of traditional toxic corrosion inhibitors. These environmentally friendly inhibitors are made from renewable sources, providing both high inhibition efficacy and little to no environmental impact. The aim of the study was to synthesize a novel organic ionic liquid derived from triazole thione and investigate its toxicity and ability to inhibit copper corrosion in a 3% NaCl solution. The inhibitory power of tris(2-hydroxyethyl) ammonium 3-phenyl-5-sulfido-1,5-dihydro-1,2,4-triazol-4-ide (LIPTS) was exploited using electrochemical methods, against the corrosion of copper in a 3% NaCl solution. This study was conducted using stationary techniques, namely polarization and transient curves, particularly electrochemical impedance diagrams. The results obtained showed that this compound has an LD50 greater than 4000 mg/Kg, which confirms its ecological nature. Stationary polarization measurements revealed that the product tested as copper corrosion inhibitor acted at low concentrations in the corrosive medium. Its effect was expressed by a
displacement of the potential in the anodic direction and a significant decrease in the current density, with the appearance of a plateau of low current density attributed to the formation of a thin film on the metallic surface of the copper. The electrochemical impedance measurements confirm the previous results by revealing the appearance of a low-capacity high-frequency loop corresponding to the presence of a protective film of inhibitor. The inhibitory efficiency is about 98%, indicating the protective effect of this product against copper corrosion in a 3% NaCl solution.
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