Assessment of the Efficiency of Application of the National Protocol for Integrated Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition in National Hospital Center of Nouakchott -Mauritania
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Malnutrition is a worldwide concern with worrisome outcomes that affect substantially the lifestyle of infants. Addressing and combating malnutrition is crucial for ensuring the healthy growth and development of infants. It requires comprehensive interventions that encompass not only improving access to nutritious food but also addressing underlying causes such as poverty, inadequate healthcare, and lack of education. By addressing malnutrition, we can enhance the well-being and prospects of infants worldwide. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the IMSAM protocol on malnourished Mauritanian children during their hospitalization. The study sample consisted of 230 participants, including 126 boys and 104 girls, who were selected from both rural and urban areas. The study was conducted in the Pediatric Service of the National Hospital Center in Nouakchott, Mauritania, focusing on children who underwent the national protocol for the Integrated Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition (IMSAM). In addition, the medical and nutritional treatment, and body measurements were appreciated as well as the anthropometric parameters. The study results revealed significant differences in average weight before and after the intervention (P < .001). The regression test indicated a negative prediction of weight gain (P < .05), influenced by variables such as the Z-score of weight-toheight (P/T), presence of edema after nutritional support, and final health status. Finally, it is important to highlight that an IMSAM-based intervention, when combined with rational management, has the potential to mitigate the adverse effects of malnutrition by maximizing social skills.
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