The Repeated Dose 28-Day Oral Toxicity Study of Combined Extract of Cajanus cajan Leaf and Zingiber officinale Rhizome in Male and Female Sprague-Dawley Rats
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The combination of Cajanus cajan leaf and Zingiber oficinale rhizome extract resulted in a greater hypoglycemic effect than the single of both extracts. However, no research reported the toxic effect of both extracts. So, this study assessed the toxicity of a combination of C. cajan leaves and Z. officinale extract in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats. Thirty male and thirty female rats were used in this study. The rats were randomly assigned to six groups of ten rats per group (five males and five females): the control treatment group and three-dose extract treated groups for 28 days-treatment periods. The satellite control group and satellite group were extended for 14 daysrecovery periods. The combination doses of C. cajan leaves extracts, and Z. officinale extract were 200+100, 400+200 and 800+400 mg/kg bw. The number of dead rats, body weight, biochemistry, hematology, and histopathological observation of some organs were observed. The results demonstrated that orally administering the combination of C. cajan and Z. officinale extracts for
28 day did not show any toxic impacts on male and female rats. Moreover, no cumulative effects of the combined extracts were noted during the 14-day recovery period. These findings showed that there were insignificant alterations in body weight, hematology, biochemistry, and histopathological observations. The findings suggest the safety of the combined extract of C. cajan leaf and Z. officinale rhizome.
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