Mupirocin Loaded Niosomal Gel for Topical Wound Healing Applications
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Mupirocin-loaded niosomal gel has been developed to enhance the drug deposition for a longer period at the targeted site and sustained the rate of release of the drug. A lipid hydration technique was employed to formulate niosome with polymers Carbopol and Chitosan at various concentrations. Tween 80 is a non-ionic surfactant utilized in the formulation to improve the entrapment efficiency of the drug. Cholesterol is utilized in the formulation to improve vesicle stability and glycerin is a gelling and moistening agent. In addition, to improve the stability of the niosomal gel Methylparaben is also added to the formulation.FTIR and DSC studies are used to
find out the compatibility study of the drug and other excipients. The post-evaluation studies confirm that yield percentage lies between 85 - 93%, entrapment efficiency 83 - 97%, drug content lies within the limit of 87 – 98%, pH range matches the skin pH and the obtained range is 6.25 - 7.3. Viscosity and Spreadability show the result within the limit of 410 - 560 cps and 3.8 - 5.4 gcm/s respectively. The post-evaluation study was further subjected to an in-vitro diffusion study. The formulation F5 has shown a better sustained release of active drug (98% at 12hr) which contains a higher ratio of carbopol and tween 80. A higher concentration of tween 80 increases
the entrapment efficiency of mupirocin in the niosome and carbopol helps to sustain the release rate to an optimum period as a swellable gelling agent.
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