Medicinal Plants of Moulay Yaâcoub Province in Morocco: An Ethnobotanical and Biodiversity Survey
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Currently, many medicinal plants continue to be utilized for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Numerous studies conducted in Morocco indicate that aromatic and medicinal plants (MAPs) have been used for centuries to cure various ailments. The distribution of therapeutic herbs through herbal markets plays a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage. this study was conducted among residents of the Moulay Yaâcoub province with the aim of documenting ethnobotanical knowledge and identifying different medicinal and aromatic plants used in traditional herbal medicine by this community. To identify a diverse range of medicinal and aromatic plants characteristic of the target area, open-ended interviews were conducted with locals using semi-structured questionnaires in the form of ethnobotanical surveys. Ethnobotanical indices, including relative frequency of citations, use value, relative importance, and informant consensus factor, were employed to quantify the use and cultural significance of medicinal and aromatic plants in the province of Moulay Yaâcoub. The data were analyzed using different statistical parameters. According to the research results; the population of the Moulay Yaakoub province utilizes 93 species of vascular plants from 41 botanical families. The most prevalent
families are Lamiaceae (17.20%), Asteraceae (8.60%), Apiaceae (7.53%), Brassicaceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Zingiberaceae, each accounting for 4.30% of the species mentioned. This ethnobotanical study conducted in the Moulay Yaâcoub province allows for the selection of various medicinal and aromatic plants used in traditional phytotherapy by the local population. Consequently, further research is needed, the main focus is on isolating and identifying particular bioactive compounds found in plant extracts.
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