Cytogenetics Study of Medicinal plants of Genus Alpinia two Rare Species from Thailand
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With more than 250 species, the genus Alpinia Roxb. is the largest in the tribe Alpinieae, subfamily Alpinoideae, and family Zingiberaceae. A. macrostaminodia Chaveer. and Sudmoon, and A. latilabris Ridl, two rare species, were identified. These two unusual species' cytogenetics have never been documented. This study's objective was to examine the chromosomal counts, fundamental numbers, and karyotype structure of two endangered Alpinia species from Thailand. Thus, using the squash technique, two rare species, A. macrostaminodia and A. latilabris, were cytologically examined. Two rare species are known to have the somatic chromosomal counts and karyotypes 2n = 48 = 46 sm + 2 st (A. macrostaminodia) and 2n = 48 = 8m+18sm+22st (A. latilabris). Both rare species' NFs were discovered to be 96. Both rare species' ideograms were given. A. macrostaminodia and A. latilabris' somatic chromosomal counts, NFs, karyotype formulae, and ideograms were the first to be documented. The data of cytology, including NFs,
karyotype formulas, karyotype structures, and ideograms in both rare Alpinia species, can be identified in each species.
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