Distinctive Roles of Butylated Hydroxytoluene and Ascorbic Acid in Lead-Instigated Oxidative Stress in Wistar Rats doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v5i1.19
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Overwhelmed antioxidant defense system of exposed biological system to a toxicant maybe relieved using in vitro antioxidant source. Here, the study evaluated the distinctive roles of ascorbic acid (AA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) in lead (Pb)-instigated oxidative stress in Wistar rats, where group I rats received 1.0 mL of distilled water, group II rats received a single dose of 30 mg PbCl2 per kg b.w. of rats by intraperitoneal injection, groups III and IV dosed with the toxicant received 25 mg/kg of AA and BHT, and group V dosed with the toxicant received 25 mg/kg of AA and BHT orally daily for 28 days. There was a significant increase (p< 0.05) in serum, hepatic and renal MDA levels for group II rats relative to the group I rats, but this was reversed in tissues of groups III-V rats relative to group II rats. No significant changes (p > 0.05) occurred in tissue MDA levels for group III and IV rats. SOD activity decreased significantly for group II rats, as compared with group I rats, but group III-V rats showed enhanced SOD activity in tissues assessed in relation to group II rats at p<0.05. CAT activity was significantly inhibited in tissues of group II rats relative to group I rats, which was significantly improved in group III-V rats relative to group II rats at p<0.05. Therefore, Pb-mediated oxidative stress was better improved by oral administration of AA than BHT, which suggested the exogenous use of natural antioxidants in lead toxicity.
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