Evaluation of the Antioxidant, Antifungal and Anticholinesterase activity of the Extracts of Ruta Montana L., Harvested from Souk-Ahras (North-East of Algeria) and Composition of its Extracts by GC-MS http://www.doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v7i7.25
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Ruta montana is a wild medicinal plant traditionally used by ancient populations to treat various diseases The aimed is to evaluate the antioxidant, antifungal and anti-cholinesterase activities of six extracts [Essential oil (01), Soxhlet extract (02), the hexane extract by maceration (03), the extract Chloroform (04), the extract with ethyl acetate (05) and the butanol extract (06)], obtained from the aerial part of Ruta montana L., harvested from Souk-Ahras North-East from Algeria. For the antioxidant activity, seven tests were used. The results, all tests included, confirm that the extracts of Soxhlet (02), chloroform (04), ethyl acetate (05) and butanol (06) have the best
antioxidant activity with IC50 = 173.54±7.27 μg/ml, A0.5= 46.21±3.99 μg/ml, A0.5= 35.06±0.49 μg/ml and IC50= 59.48±7.79 μg/ml respectively. For the evaluation of the antifungal activity, it was found that the chloroform extract (04) gave better antifungal activity against the fungus (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (FOL)) with a fungistatic effect which is translated to an inhibition rate of 11.91% at 1mg and 60.91% at 40mg. The composition of essential oil (01), of Soxhlet extract (02) and hexane extract (03) was evaluated by GC-MS with a major composition of 2-nonanone (24.93%), 2- undecanone (22.62%) and Acetic acid, non-2-yl ester (14.15%), for
the essential oil; hydrocarbons (56.89%), 2-undecanone (10.53%), 2-nonanone (9.24%) and the alkaloid Dictamnine,6,7-dimethoxy with a rate of (8.39%), for soxhlet extract (02) and for hexane extract (03) the hydrocarbons are present with a rate of (47.19%) followed by 2-nonanone (13.31%) and 2-undecanone with a rate of 8.44%.
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