Biochemical and Climatological Analysis of Three Spontaneous Populations of the Chamaerops humilisL. (Palm Doum) Collected from Semi-Arid and Sub-Humid Regions, Morocco
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Chamaerops humilis L. is one of the medicinal herbs consumed as food or used to treat different ailments in folk medicine. It contains numerous phytochemical compounds such as polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, and so on. The present study was designed to investigate the biochemical variability of three ecotypes of Chamaerops humilis L. and climatological parameters and their influence on the distribution and development of Chamaerops humilis L. leaves of both heritage and emblematic value in the Moroccan herbarium. Three samples of Chamaerops humilis L. were collected from different regions viz El Hajeb, Fez, and Sefrou. Biochemical examination (Total soluble sugars (Dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS), proteins (Lowry’s method), and vitamin C (Colorimetric assay), as well as the content of polyphenols (Folin-Ciocalteu method) and flavonoids (aluminum trichloride method) of the leaves of Chamaerops humilis L. were determined. The results of the biochemical quantification revealed that the sample of Fez was the richest in phenolic and flavonoid contents with values of 75.390 mg AGE/g DM and 3.257 mg QE/g DM, respectively, while the sample collected from El Hajeb contained high levels of primary metabolites with the following; total soluble proteins content 631.145 mg/g FM and vitamin C content 0.613 mg/g FM. The present work showed significant diversity in the different studied parameters of C. humilis, due to the characteristics of each station, such as pedoclimatic conditions.
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