Food Biofortification: A Transition from Nutrient Enrichment to Physiological Significance
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The benefits of food surpassed the traditional role of providing energy. Foods are being researched and channelled toward the treatment of nutrient deficiencies and the management of certain diseases. This is due to the presence of micronutrients and phytochemicals, which confer a variety of health benefits. The concentrations or levels of these phytochemicals and micronutrients vary in food crops, particularly in the edible portion, which can lead to nutrient deficiency. Nutrient deficiency may pose a threat to life and also lead to the degeneration of some disease conditions. This review aims purposely to throw more light and encourage the use of biofortified foods in the treatment of certain diseases. This review was conducted based on previous scholarly works, which were accessible online and published in English. The source includes Google Scholar, PubMed, ResearchGate and Scopus, and other platforms for reviews and studies related to the aim of this work. The search terms included biofortification, selenium, Nutrient Deficiency, Micronutrient, Phytochemicals; Biofortification; Diseases and other related terminologies. The advent of biofortification has helped to promote the availability of essentialnutrients and phytochemicals in the edible portion of crops, thereby reducing micronutrient deficiency in world populations. Diseases caused by nutrient deficiencies, such as goitre, night blindness, and anaemia, have been addressed with the help of biofortification programs.
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