Knowledge, Practice, and Behavior of University Students Concerning Sandfly Vectors of Leishmaniasis in Fez City, Central North Morocco
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Sandflies are proven vectors of several viruses, bacteria, and parasites, causing many vector-borne diseases like leishmaniasis. Morocco aims to eliminate the disease by 2030. However, this disease continues to be a public health issue in the country despite all the efforts to limit its spread. The present study evaluated the knowledge, practices, and behaviors of university students regarding sandflies as leishmaniasis vectors. From April to July 2018, 385 students were interviewed using a pretest questionnaire. A score of 1 was assigned to every correct answer concerning knowledge and practice variables, and a mark of 0 was assigned to any incorrect answers or unanswered questions. Pearson's Chi-square (X2) test was used to analyze the association between the independent variables and the level of knowledge and practices. A statistically significant association is demonstrated when p < 0.05. Students had an intermediate level of understanding of leishmaniasis vectors, with a knowledge score of 5.61 out of 10. The level of prevention practices, however, only received a 1.63 out of 4 rating. The field of study in high school and knowledge, as well as prevention methods and demographic factors, such as the field of study in high school and academic level, were also found to be significantly correlated (p = 0.000). The findings of this study demonstrate the significance of implementing various levels of awarenessraising and educational initiatives among university students, as it represents a crucial step to enhancing knowledge, attitudes, and preventive actions regarding this disease.
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