Potential and Simulation of Optimization Design for Ozonation Process on Commercial Sterility Level of Coconut Water Product: A Review http://www.doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v7i6.3
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Coconut (Cocos nucifera Linnaeus) water is a functional refresher drink because it contains sugar, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, organic acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and phenolic components. Thermal processing in coconut water can reduce its nutrients and sensory. Therefore, ozone plasma has the potential to be applied to this product because its composition is dominated by water. Another problem in coconut water is deterioration by polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase. Ozonation can inactivate bacterial spores and endogenous enzymes to maintain the quality of coconut water. This review aims to provide scientific information about the risk of postharvest coconut products, the potential of ozone for commercial sterility, and a simulation for adopting equivalence and optimizing the ozonation process using thermal process kinetics approach. The methods discussed for adoption in this work were based on thermal kinetic reduction of quality parameters (k and D values) plotted against temperature (Z-value). Temperature-time combination for process optimization were set reffering to D and Z values. For equivalence thermal and ozonation process optimization, the k; D; and Z values determination were adopted by conducting ozonation. It began with characterizing the ozone machine, determining the kinetics of inactivation of Clostridium sporogenes spores, polyphenol oxidase, and peroxidase activities
during ozonation. The simulation results of adopting thermal process kinetics design can be used to design a commercial sterile and optimization of the ozonation process using ozonation process kinetics data. This review dramatically contributes to equivalence of the ozonation process in commercial sterilization.
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