Effects of Ethanol Extract of Sungkai (Peronema canescens Jack.) on Fertility of Female Wistar Mice (Mus musculus L.) http://www.doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v7i5.3
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Sungkai leaf (Peronema canescens Jack.) is a natural source of flavonoids. Flavonoids have been implicated in increasing fertility in humans. This study aims to determine the effect of oral ethanol extract of Sungkai leaf on the fertility of female mice. Twenty-four female mice randomly divided into four groups were used in this study. The test (II-IV) groups were administered orally ethanol
leaf extract of Peronema canescens at doses of 200 mg/kg bw, 400 mg/kg bw, and 800 mg/kg bw, respectively, for 14 days. The negative control (I) group received 0.5% Na-CMC only. On the 15th day, the mice were mated with male mice in one cage until pregnancy was established. On the 10th day of gestation, the mice were sacrificed by cervical dislocation, and both ovaries were
excised. The result shows increased primary ovarian follicles, corpus luteum, and ovulation rate. The optimal increase of the ovaries occurred at the dose of 200 mg/kg bw. There was however a decrease in the above parameters at extract doses of 400 and 800 200 mg/kg bw. The study concludes that the leaf extract of Peronema canescens has the potential to treat infertility.
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