Anti-UV, SPF, and Antibacterial Activities of Gorgonian Mopsella cf. aurantia
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Gorgonia is one of the marine organisms with bioactive potential that has yet to be widely exploited. This research aimed to determine the anti-UV, the Sun Protection Factor (SPF), and antibacterial properties of the extract and fractions of gorgonian Mopsella cf. aurantia. The extraction was carried out using ethyl acetate as a solvent. The anti-UV and SPF determinations were carried out by ultraviolet spectrophotometry, while the antibacterial property was carried out using the modified Kirby-Bauer method. The result shows that the extract has anti-UVB activity and obtained an SPF value of 7.71 at a concentration of 250 ppm, which is categorized as a
minimal level of protection capability. Further bioactivity testing of this gorgonian shows robust activity against Gram-negative Escherichia coli DSM498 and Gram-positive Bacillus megaterium DSM32T strains. The antimicrobial and anti-UV effects in the related species were located in the ethanol fraction.
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