Quantification of Resistant starch, Non-Resistant Starch and Total Starch Content of Some Processed Foods Sold in Enugu Metropolis http://www.doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v7i4.21
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Resistant starch, which is produced by the interaction between starch, lipids and proteins, is an important part of diet due to its ability to escape digestion in the gut, thus reducing the blood glucose concentration. Resistant starch contents of some processed food products sold in Enugu Metropolis were quantified using Megazyme resistant starch kit (Megazyme Bray, Ireland). The processed foods were grouped into cereals (Oatmeal flours, basmati rice flours), Legumes (beans flour), Fruits (Unripe plantain flours) and Tubers (yam flours and potato starch flours). Mean values were determined with MegaCalc and data were expressed as percentage weight per weight. Among the processed food samples analyzed, plantain flour (82.314% Ayoola foods plantain flour, 82.757 % for naked amala plantain flour and 65.648% for deluxe plantain flour) contains the highest concentration of resistant starch. In descending order of resistant starch concentration is as follows; rice samples (lamis basmati rice, 43.427%, TBR basmati rice (39.268%). The resistant starch content of yam samples was 38.769% (Ayo ola poundo yam flour) and 28.354% for Ola ola yam flour respectively. The least resistant starch content was detected in beans sample; deluxe bean flour (~6.788%), Ayo ola bean flour (~3.481 %) and tasty pot bean flour (~4.345 %) and oat flour; lecker white oat 1.503%), health-wise oat meal (3.497%) and elkaris swallow oat (1.325%) respectively. Plantain and rice flours should be considered most for consumption, due to the high resistant starch content that confer many of health benefits.
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