Assessment of Antioxidant and Polyphenol Profile of Chrysobalanus icaco from Southern Nigeria

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Queen O. Stephen-Onojedje
Samuel O. Asagba
Helen E. Kadiri


Due to the distinguished medicinal value of Chrysobalanus icaco, it was of great interest to conduct phytochemical and antioxidant investigations on it. In this study, the polyphenol profile and antioxidant activity of C. icaco methanol crude extract and fractions were investigated. The crude extract of C. icaco was subjected to fractionation using methanol, n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and n-butanol as solvents. 2, 2-diphenyl-1picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2’-azino-bis-(3- ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) and ferric ion reducing power (FRAP), ascorbate oxidase, total phenolic content, total flavonoids and polyphenol profile was determined using standard methods. A significant increase was observed in the DPPH radical scavenging activity, total flavonoids, total phenol, FRAP, ABTS, TAC and ascorbate oxidase of the crude extract when compared to methanol, ethyl acetate, n-hexane, n-butanol, and aqueous fractions. Polyphenols such as kaempferol, chlorogenic acid, catechin, quercetin, galic acid, pomolic acid, rutin, epicatechin, stigmasterol, sitosterol and caffeic acid were found in the different fractions. The total polyphenols content of different fractions of C icaco extract were as follows; methanol fraction > n-hexane fraction > ethyl acetate fraction > n-butanol fraction > aqueous fraction. The findings revealed that C icaco kernel could be used as a potent source of molecules with positive health attributes.

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How to Cite
Stephen-Onojedje, Q. O., Asagba, S. O., & Kadiri, H. E. (2023). Assessment of Antioxidant and Polyphenol Profile of Chrysobalanus icaco from Southern Nigeria: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 7(4), 2782–2789. Retrieved from


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