Isolation, Molecular Characterization and Application of Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum with Biofertilizer Potentials to Enhance Rice Growth
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The use of chemical fertilizers has been associated with a persistent decline in soil fertility, which is also detrimental to soil health. Biofertilizers have been reported to be better alternatives to chemical fertilizers. In this study, the mycofertilizer potentials of the species Aspergillus and Penicillium were investigated. The fungi were isolated from the rice (Oryza sativa Linn) rhizosphere and identified using cultural and molecular methods. The fungal isolates were examined for protease synthesis, nitrogen fixation, cellulose breakdown, and phosphate solubilization using standard methods. The mycofertilizer potentials of the isolates were screened for in an in-situ experiment that was carried out in the greenhouse using a pot experimental method. Isolates that solubilized phosphate and also produced cellulase and protease were selected for the greenhouse experiment. Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum proved to be the best candidates among the isolates. The results of the greenhouse pot experiment showed that after 30 days of planting, rice (O. sativa) in the control group had the best performance, but after 63 days of planting, the rice in the pot inoculated with both A. niger and P. chrysogenum had the best performance, followed by the plant inoculated with A. niger, while the plant in the control group had the least average growth. Plants in the test groups had significant growth compared to the plants in the control group. These isolates could be used in the production of mycofertilizer for the growth of grain crops that are known not to fix nitrogen.
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