Chemical Composition, Acute Oral Toxicity and Analgesic Activity of Hydroalcoholic Extracts of Mimusops coriacea (A.DC) Miq (Sapotaceae)
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Mimusops coriacea is used traditionally as a tonic, febrifuge, and in the treatment of cystitis, diarrhea and dysentery. In Ecuador the plant is used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent, however, there is limited scientific evidence to support this claim. The study therefore is aimed at determining the chemical composition, acute oral toxicity and analgesic activity of the hydroalcoholic extracts of the leaves, bark and fruits of Mimusops coriacea. The 80% hydroalcoholic extracts of the leaves, bark, and fruits (green and ripe), were obtained by maceration. The extracts were subjected to Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometric (GC MS) analysis. An oral acute toxicity test was performed in rats according to the OECD draft guideline 423. The analgesic activity of the extracts was evaluated by the acetic acid-induced abdominal contortion model in mice. The GC-MS analysis of the extracts shows variations in the type and relative abundance of some metabolites in the different plant parts. The predominant metabolites identified are fatty acids with palmitic and stearic acids as the major compounds in the leaves, bark and green fruits extracts, while benzoic acid was majorly in the ripe fruits extract. Other compounds identified are terpenoids, sugars, and amino acid. The extracts showed no sign of toxicity after acute oral administration. The leaves and bark extracts had higher analgesic effect compared to the fruits extract. The study therefore lends credence to the traditional use of M. coriacea as an analgesic agent.
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