In Vivo Evaluation of the Wound Healing Potential of the Aerial Parts of Globularia arabica Aqueous and Methanol Extracts Grown in Jordan
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Globularia arabica is a wild, rare, and endangered medicinal plant that is used in folk medicine in Jordan. This study aimed to assess the wound healing potential, total phenol and flavonoid contents, antioxidant activity, and cytotoxic potential of G. arabica extracts that were extracted from the aerial parts. In vivo wound healing assays were performed using an excision wound model in rats. Animals were treated with a hydrogel formula enriched with plant extracts in two different concentrations (2% and 5%). The results demonstrated that wound healing activity was improved and statistically significant (p < 0.05) after topical application of both doses of 2% (w/v) and 5% (w/v) of methanolic (ME) and aqueous extracts (AE) of aerial parts of G. arabica. The total phenol and flavonoid contents were appreciably associated with the reductive capacities of both extracts. With respect to the DPPH, the IC50 was 26.54 mg/mL for AE, while for ME; it was 18.77 mg/mL, ME and AE were selectively noncytotoxic on PDL fibroblasts.ME was exceptionally more effective than AE, exhibiting pronounced viability reduction propensities for aggressively resistant CACO2 cancer cells. While AE was ascribed more substantial growth inhibition properties in T47D breast adenocarcinoma. In conclusion, the study revealed that the ME and AE of G. arabica displayed remarkable wound healing activity, corroborating its traditional use. Moreover, phytochemical fingerprinting of both crude extracts can associate G. arabica'smaximal biological and
pharmacological effects with bioactive metabolites.
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