Neuroprotective Effects of Garcinia kola ethanol Seed Extract on Haloperidol-Induced Catalepsy in Mice
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Antipsychotic drugs are known to cause irreversible neurodegeneration through oxidative mechanisms. Garcinia kola is known for its capacity to scavenge free radicals. This study elucidated the neuroprotective properties of ethanol extract of Garcinia kola (EGK) nuts on haloperidol (HP)-induced catalepsy. Forty male Swiss albino mice (Mus musculus) (2-3 weeks old, 19-25g) were grouped into 8 (n=5) as follows: Groups I (2 mL/kg propylene glycol), II (haloperidol{HP}), III (200 mg/kg + HP) and IV (400 mg/kg EGK + HP), V(HP + 200 mg/kg EGK), VI (HP + 400 mg/kg EGK), VII (HP + 200 mg/kg EGK) and VIII (HP + 400 mg/kg EGK). Haloperidol was administered intraperitoneally at a dose of (1 mg/kg). Neurobehavioural assessments for locomotor activity, memory, anxiety and catalepsy scoring involved the use of elevated plus maze and the open field apparatus on the 1st, 8th, and 15th day of the study. Brain malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) concentrations were assayed using colorimetric method. Haloperidol significantly reduced (p<0.05) body weight, impaired motor coordination, memory, locomotor and also promoted anxiety as well as lipid peroxidation. However, treatment with EGK significantly (p<0.05) reversed weight loss, improved locomotor activity and memory function, curtailed anxiety and brain lipid peroxidation. EGK conferred neuroprotection and can be suggested for possible use in the management of aloperidol-induced neurodegeneration.
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