Toxicity Study on the Effect of Ethanol Extracts of the Root and Leaf of Datura stramonium on the Brain and Non-Prostatic Acid Phosphatase Activity of Wistar rats
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Abuse of psychoactive compounds is a growing global challenge, especially in countries with high unemployment rates. Toxicity study was conducted on the effect of ethanol extracts of the root and leaf of a regularly abused psychoactive plant in Nigeria (Datura stramonium) on the brain and non-prostatic acid phosphatase activity of Wistar rats using sixteen (16) Wistar rats of average weights 135g that were assigned into four (4) groups A, B, C and D with four (4) rats each. Groups A, B, and C were given the same concentration (3.5% in chilled Coca-Cola) of root extracts, leaf extracts, and both leaf and root extracts respectively while group D (control) was administered with equal volume of chilled Coca-Cola drink. The animals were kept in separate cages and fed with normal rat Chaw with water provided ad libitum. Rats in the treatment groups were given approximately 3.7mg/Kg body weight of the root extract, leaf extract, and both leaf and root extracts respectively while rats in the control group were given just a chilled Coca-Cola drink. All the animals were sacrificed after day 14th of administration. A qualitative phytochemical screening on the ethanol extracts of the root and leaf of D. stramonium plant showed that it contains alkaloids, tannins, saponins, flavonoids, and steroids. Histological examination of the brain of rats administered ethanol extracts of the root and leaf of the plant showed some levels of toxicity (exemplified by shrinkage of nerve cells) as well as increased activity of serum level of non prostatic acid phosphatase.
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