Phytochemical and Nutrient Composition of Rice Husks
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This study deals with the determination of possible phytocompounds, minerals, vitamins and nutritional constituents present in Rice husk (RH). Dried rice husk samples were collected from a local rice mill at Awgu Town in Enugu, South-East Nigeria. The proximate, phytochemical, vitamin and mineral composition of the ground sample were investigated using standard methods of analysis, while a Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) device was employed for the characterization of bioactive components of the sample. The proximate analysis revealed the presence of carbohydrate (37.04%), crude protein (1.85%), moisture (7.93%), crude fat (3.76%), fibre (25.74%), and ash content (23.39%). The phytochemical screening high amount of flavonoids, carotenoid, and glycosides in the RH sample. Vitamins such as A, C, D, E, K and B complexes (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12) as well as minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc, iron, selenium, cobalt, manganese, copper and phosphorus) were also identified in the sample. Meanwhile, the GC-MS analysis of the sample revealed the presence of cynarin, demecolcine, penta-triacontene, hyoscyamine, kheltin, acetyldigoxin, quinoline-3- methyl, coumaric acid, copaene, benzyl benzoate, caryophyllene, danthron, lupenon, beta-amyrin, ephedrine, alpha-ergosterol, galanthamine, kawain, agrimophol, eugenol, anabasine, benzylisoquinoline, carpaine, phytol, phytic acid, myrcene, lobeline, beta-caryophyllene, sparteine, and emetine. This study established that the high nutritional value and bioactive composition of rice husk indicates the rice milling by-product to be a promising food formulate with numerous health benefits.
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