Optimization of Biodiesel Production from Seeds of Cotton and Calabash Via In Situ Transesterification using CaO as Catalyst http://.www.doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v7i2.21
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Utilization of fossil fuels results to toxic emissions that adversely affect the environment. In order to arrest this challenge it is pertinent to rely more on cleaner fuels. This study evaluates the potential of producing clean and affordable fuel, biodiesel, in line with United Nations Seventh Sustainable Development Goal. Cotton and calabash seeds were used to produce biodiesel in this study. The seeds were mixed at different ratios and the catalyst concentration was controlled at 1% for two hours under a temperature of 60°C. About 70% of the cost of producing biodiesel rests on feedstock alone. To reduce cost, cheap and underutilized seeds were chosen for this study. In addition, the biodiesel was produced via a technique, in situ transesterification, which lowers production cost. In this process the oil from the seeds were extracted and converted to biodiesel in a single step. The highest yield of 61.33% was obtained at a ratio 1:5 of the cotton to calabash seeds respectively. The physicochemical parameters analysed for are: saponification value (210.38 mg KOH/g); iodine value (59.14 mgI2/100g); acid value (1.68 mg/g); free fatty acid (0.84); cetane number (58.93); ester value (208.7); high heating value (39.91 MJ/kJ) and specific gravity (0.87). The results of the properties were compared with standards and this shows that the biodiesel produced has very good properties.
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