Evaluation of Food Consumption, Dietary and Lifestyle Habits in a Sample of Jordanian Adults in Al-Zarqa City http://.www.doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v7i2.16
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Healthy eating habits should include the right amount of food consumed daily to meet the needs for different nutrients. The aim of this study is to determine the indexes of healthy nutrition in a sample of Jordanian university students aged 18–25 years and to compare them with the Healthy Eating Index (HEI). This descriptive cross-sectional design study was conducted among Zarqa University students over a period of six months. The study included 332 participants (150 males and 182 females). Energy and nutrients were calculated from dietary data by using a single 24- hour dietary recall. The mean daily intake was compared with the Dietary Recommended Intake (DRI). Energy intake was less than 1500 kcal in both genders, and dietary fiber intake was less than the recommendations. The mean score of the HEI in the whole sample is 57.4. The majority of students (65.1% of the whole sample) have diets rated in the "Needs Improvement" category. The mean HEI values for each BMI category among the underweight, normal, overweight, and obese males and females were 53.7, 58.3, 57.3, and 56.5, respectively. The mean HEI score of grains was 7.72, vegetables 3.07, fruits 4.44, milk 1.49, meat 6.39, total fat 6.04, saturated fat 7.00, cholesterol 7.72, sodium 7.83, and variety 6.59 in the whole sample. The results show that students need to increase their intake of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. The results could provide a basis for developing suitable intervention programs to encourage healthy eating in this age group.
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