Biological Activity of Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Mucus Gel on the Wistar Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Wound Healing Process
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Clarias gariepinus (North African catfish) is a preferred freshwater fish for consumption in Indonesia. Catfish mucus by-product is considered to have no economic value and is not optimally utilized. Even though, recent studies have shown that the mucus contains various bioactive molecules that support fish immunity. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of C. gariepinus catfish strain Mutiara mucus gel on the Wistar rat wound healing process. This study was conducted by formulating catfish mucus into a gel preparation. Mucus gel was evaluated for physicochemical characteristics and organoleptics. Mucus gel was applied in vivo to the incision wound of rats for 14 days and compared with the positive control using povidone iodine and placebo control using gel base. Wound morphology and length were observed every day, whereas wound histology and immunohistochemistry were observed once on the 15th day. The qualitative data was analyzed descriptively. The physicochemical characteristics of the gel revealed that the gel has a low viscosity, an effective adhesion time, and a neutral pH. Based on organoleptic evaluation, it has a moderate texture, a fishy and strong aroma, and a cloudy color, making it less favorable to the panelists. In an in vivo study, catfish mucus gel significantly accelerated woundclosure and increased epithelial tissue thickness but had no significant effect on increasing fibroblast and blood vessel numbers, and VEGF-A expression. More in-depth studies of the catfish mucus gel is needed for further development.
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