Eco-toxicological Health Status of Fish, Quality of the Estuary and their Impacts on Human Health: A Case Study of Consumers in Rabat, Morocco
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The geographical location of Morocco is surrounded by two seas: The Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean, and more than 3,000 km of coastline. This great maritime richness translates into a remarkable consumption of fish by Moroccans. Fishing in Morocco, particularly in the area around the capital Rabat, revealed a rich variety of aquatic life. Oued Bouregreg is the second major river in Morocco and has its source in the Middle Atlas at an altitude of 1627 m. This basin is drained by three main hydrological arteries: The Oued Bouregreg, the Oued Grou, and the Oued Korifla. Due to the Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah dam's construction, the Bouregreg estuary's ecosystem has been completely disrupted. As a result, the growth of the human population and industrial development poses a very serious threat to the aquatic ecosystem, the estuary's quality, and human health at the level of the Oued Bouregreg. Numerous construction initiatives have been recognized for the Bouregreg estuary since 2006, including the construction of the Grand Theatre, the Marina, and Tour Mohammed VI. The aim of this investigation was a statistical analysis that highlights the quality of the estuary as well as the effects of these construction projects on fish health and human health.
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