Macroporous Resin-assisted Enrichment of Total Flavonoids, Polyphenols and Antioxidants from Newbouldia laevis Leaf Extracts
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Polyphenols are plant-derived antioxidant compounds that have shown great prospects as natural alternatives to synthetic antioxidant compounds. As a result of the rising interest in natural antioxidants, this study investigated the potential use of different Macroporous Adsorptive Resin (MAR) including X5, ADS17, ADS7, AB8, S400 and D101 in the enrichment of total polyphenols from ethanol extracts of Newbouldia laevis leaf, an abundant West African medicinal plant. The efficiency of the MAR-assisted polyphenol enrichment process was investigated and optimized under varying conditions like adsorption time, adsorption pH, extract loading concentration, elution time, and eluent ethanol concentration. The total phenols, total flavonoids, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activities, Ferric reducing ability of the plasma (FRAP) activities and inhibitory potentials against Pb-induced hemolysis and Fenton-chemistry mediated peroxidation of egg yolk homogenate were determined for the crude and polyphenol-rich extract of Newbouldia laevis. Using a batch system that comprises X5 MAR, extract loading concentration of 15 mg NEE/g MAR, adsorption time of 40 min, eluent ethanol concentration of 70 %, elution time of 30 min and under a neutral pH condition, the total flavonoids and phenol contents of Newbouldia laevis extract improved from 30 to 74 % and from 12 to 33 % respectively. The enrichment process improved the DPPH radical scavenging, FRAP, and the anti-peroxidative activity of Newbouldia laevis leaf extracts by 2.3, 3.2 and 2.5 folds respectively. Results from our study could aid the utilization of this abundant medicinal plant resource for functional food development, drug development and industrial applications.
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