Evaluation of Various Traditional Methods Used in the Treatment of Dental Diseases Using Natural Products Found in Abejukolo Community, Omala Local Government Area, Kogi State doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v6i3.21
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Natural products are compounds with pharmacological activities. This study used various traditional methods of treating dental diseases using natural products found in Abejukolo Community, Omala Local Government Area, Kogi State. The research data were mainly collected through interviews and oral examination. The findings were recorded in a data sheet. Ninety (90) people comprised of 10 traditional healers and 80 patients were investigated for the study. The major occupants of the populations used were farmers, traders, carpenters and teachers. They used various traditional methods in treating dental diseases including the use of herbs, physical manipulation, miscellaneous, potash, petrol and snuff. 67% believed that all the traditional methods used were quite effective while 22% said not effective, and 11% had no knowledge of the traditional methods. The data collected were subjected to various analytical procedures and the result from Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient was found r=0.16 which was interpreted that there is a positive significant relationship between the various traditional methods of treatments and oral diseases. This study could be presented to government and oral health practitioners for further investigations and consequent adopted in oral health practices.
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