Investigation into the Gastro-protective Properties of Alstoniaboonei (De Wild) Leaves and Stem Bark

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Ndidiamaka H. Okorie
Chika J. Mbah
Gerald W. Ugodi
Collins C. Magbo


Alstonia boonei (Apocynaceae) leaves and stem bark extracts have been described in folkloric medicine to be an effective analgesic for arthritis pain and also in the healing of wounds and ulcer. Occurrence of Gastro Intestinal Tract (GIT) I irritation and peptic ulcer disease are the major limitations in the use of Non-Steriodial anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) in the treatment of pain and inflammation..This study examined the ability of Alstonia boonei stem bark and leaf extracts and fractions to prevent gastroduodenal mucosal damage by NSAID as a better alternative to the conventional ulcer protective drugs given their various individual shortcomings. The chloroform fraction, ethyl acetate fraction, n-hexane fraction and aqueous fractions of the leaves and stem bark of the plant were obtained by solvent-solvent fractionation and subjected to phytochemical screening. The gastro-protective activity of the crude methanol extract, chloroform fraction, ethyl acetate fraction of the leaves and stem bark were evaluated using NSAID  (Diclofenac) induced ulcer model in albino rats. The qualiitative phytochemical analysis revealed that the leaves and stem bark both contained alkaloids, saponins, terpenoids, flavonoids, tannins and carbohydrates while cardiac glycosides were present in the leaf but absent in the stem bark. The analyzed result revealed that all the extracts and fractions of Alstonia boonei stem bark and leaves possess significantly(p<0.00) gastro-protective activity which justifies its use in ethno medicine to treat GIT disorders. Its potential can be harnessed to be a source of lead compound(s) that can be used to prevent NSAID induced ulcers and associated complications.


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How to Cite
H. Okorie, N., J. Mbah, C., W. Ugodi, G., & C. Magbo, C. (2022). Investigation into the Gastro-protective Properties of Alstoniaboonei (De Wild) Leaves and Stem Bark: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 6(3), 403-407.

How to Cite

H. Okorie, N., J. Mbah, C., W. Ugodi, G., & C. Magbo, C. (2022). Investigation into the Gastro-protective Properties of Alstoniaboonei (De Wild) Leaves and Stem Bark: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 6(3), 403-407.


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