Study of the Histological Changes Caused by the Intake of Metformin, Carnitine and Omega-3 in Some Organs of Male Diabetic Rabbits
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Diabetes mellitus (DM) refers to a group of diseases that affect how the body uses blood sugar. The condition is often managed with medications. Metformin helps to manage blood sugar levels. Carnitine is an adjuvant treatment for type 2 diabetes, and omega-3 can be taken in conjunction with metformin to reduce diabetic complications. Many of the drugs for managing DM may affect vital organs in the body. Therefore, the present study was conducted to examine the effects of metformin, L-carnitine, and omega-3 fatty acids on the histological changes of the liver and kidney cells in diabetic rabbits. Forty-five (45) male rabbits weighing 1500-1800 g and aged 10-14 months were divided into 5 groups: the control group (1), the alloxan-induced DM group (2), the DM group that received metformin treatment (3), the DM group that received metformin and L-carnitine treatment (4), and the DM group that was administered with
metformin and omega-3 (5). The results of the study revealed that several histological changes associated with DM were observed. This was represented by calcification of the bile ducts of the liver, pigmentation of the nuclei, degeneration of some cells, and extensive necrosis. Also, the kidney showed glomerulus defect (necrosis & atrophy), and vacuoles some tubules. The findings of the present study revealed that the histology of the rabbits' livers and kidneys in the treated and untreated groups differed significantly. Therefore, this study recommends caution while using medications to manage diabetes mellitus.
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