Structural and Physicochemical Characteristics of Six Edible Tubers Cultivated in Benin City, Nigeria
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Quality tubers are required for industrial processes and their physicochemical contents vary from one region to another. This work determined the physicochemical differences of starch in six species of edible tubers (Dioscorea alata, Dioscorea bulbifera, Dioscorea cayenensis, Dioscorea rotunda, Manihot esculenta and Colocasia esculenta) harvested in Benin City, Nigeria from September-November, 2021, as potential sources of dietary substances and for industrial use. Methods for analysis were as described in the Official Methods of the Association of Analytical Chemists. The texture solution of Dioscorea cayenensis and Colocasia esculenta
were opaque while the others were transparent and clear. Ash content were Dioscorea cayenensis (0.23±0.02%), Colocasia esculenta (0.19±0.01%), and Dioscorea alata (0.13±0.02%). The moisture content was Dioscorea alata (10.0±2.0%) while Dioscorea cayenensis (5.00±0.5%) the least. Crude protein was Dioscorea cayenensis (0.21±0.05) and least in Dioscorea alata (0.07±0.02%). Lipid was Dioscorea alata (0.22±0.03%) and least in Dioscorea cayenensis Dioscorea bulbifera (0.12±0.02%). Phosphorous was highest in
Dioscorea cayenensis (0.025±0.05%) and least in Manihot esculenta (0.008±0.04%). Amylose values were Dioscorea bulbifera (21.8±4.37%), Dioscorea Dcayenensis (30.9±2.26%), Dioscorea rotunda (29.8±3.41%), Dioscorea alata (24.6±1.04%), Manihot esculenta
(20.5±2.50%), and Colocasia esculenta (20.0±2.05%), The viscosity was Colocasia esculenta (0.800±0.04) and least in Dioscorea bulbifera (0.200±0.01). The density (0.99) was approximately the same. The pH was acidic except for Dioscorea alata (7.00±1.0). The water
binding capacity (WBC) was highest in Dioscorea cayenensis (1.15±0.09) and least in Dioscorea rotunda (0.90±0.25). The characteristics of these edible starches would enhance their industrial uses as well as improve their nutritional values to man.
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