In-vitro Anti-Nephrolithiatic Activity of Selected Medicinal Plants
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Today, due to the changing lifestyle, a significant number of people are suffering from nephrolithiasis (kidney stones). Unfortunately, there is no satisfactory medication for use in clinical treatment. The current study is an ethno-pharmacological study aimed at in vitro evaluation of the anti-nephrolithiatic assessment of some selected medicinal plants that are traditionally used for nephrolithiasis treatment. An in vitro study was conducted to assess the
anti-nephrolithiatic activity of aqueous plant extracts (Paronychia argentea, Teucrium polium, Alhagi maurorum, Crataegus aronia, Varthemia iphionoides) by evaluating inhibition of calcium oxalate (CaOx) nucleation and aggregation. All tested plant extracts showed nucleation inhibition in a dose in-dependent manner. V. iphionoides showed maximum aggregation inhibition when used at a low concentration. Our findings support the ethno-pharmacological use of these plants in the prevention or treatment of kidney stones.
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