Investigating the Effect of Flavonoid, Saponin, Alkaloids and Tannins Extracted from Combretum dolichopentalum Diels in CCl4 –Induced Hepatotoxicity

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Favour N.Ujowundu
James O. Kalu
Cosmas O. Ujowundu
Ignatius O. Onyeocha
Chinyere H. Onuoha
Raymond C. Ibeh
Uchechi K. Obasi
Oluwatosin E. Ntaji
Ifeyinwa N. Chigbu
Chioma Y. Ezirim


Modification of biological molecules caused by oxidative stress is the most popular harmful b side reaction leading to pathological changes. This study investigated the impact of flavonoids, a saponins, and tannin extracted from Combretum dolichopentalum on CCl4-induced hepatotoxicit five male rats were sorted into nine groups, and allowed access to water and food. Groups received distilled water only, groups III and IV pre-treated with 250 and 500 mg/kg body wei ethanol extract of C. dolichopentalum (EECD) respectively, group V pre-treated with 50 m silymarin, group VI to IX pre-treated with 100 mg/kg bwt of flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids and C. dolichopentalum respectively. After seven days, all animals (except normal control) were in with 0.4 mL/kg bwt CCl4, and sacrificed 48 h after. Samples of liver and blood were used for and biochemical studies respectively. Results showed that CCl4   -induced  massive fatty cha centrilobular necrosis in the liver, marked elevations in serum malondialdehyde (MDA), live enzymes  and  other  biochemical  changes  were  observed.  However,  animals  administered alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins and saponins of C. dolichopentalum presented improved liver his feature.  The  biochemical  parameters  of  treated  rats  approached  that  of  normal  control  w administered alkaloid and flavonoid showed more significant decrease in MDA and total biliru results from the current study show that C. dolichopentalum, especially flavonoid and alkaloid clearly protects the liver from CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity. Furthermore, the saponin fracti dolichopentalum appears to be hepatotoxic to the liver.


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How to Cite
N.Ujowundu, F., O. Kalu, J., O. Ujowundu, C., O. Onyeocha, I., H. Onuoha, C., C. Ibeh, R., K. Obasi, U., E. Ntaji, O., N. Chigbu, I., & Y. Ezirim, C. (2022). Investigating the Effect of Flavonoid, Saponin, Alkaloids and Tannins Extracted from Combretum dolichopentalum Diels in CCl4 –Induced Hepatotoxicity: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 6(8), 1255-1261.

How to Cite

N.Ujowundu, F., O. Kalu, J., O. Ujowundu, C., O. Onyeocha, I., H. Onuoha, C., C. Ibeh, R., K. Obasi, U., E. Ntaji, O., N. Chigbu, I., & Y. Ezirim, C. (2022). Investigating the Effect of Flavonoid, Saponin, Alkaloids and Tannins Extracted from Combretum dolichopentalum Diels in CCl4 –Induced Hepatotoxicity: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 6(8), 1255-1261.


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