Allophylus cobbe Attenuates Oxidative Stress and Liver Damage in Chemically-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Wistar Rats
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Liver disorders, including cirrhosis and hepatitis, are major health concerns worldwide. Nowadays, many herbal remedies are reported to be promising against liver disorders. There is an urgent need to find new herbal remedies that are highly effective for liver problems. Therefore, the present research was aimed at characterizing and screening the hepatoprotective activity of Allophylus cobbe leaf extract in both acute and chronic hepatic disorders in Wistar rats. Ethanol leaf extract of Allophylus cobbe was prepared. The extract was subjected to phytochemical screening, acute oral toxicity, and hepatoprotective testing against chemically-induced hepatotoxicity and evaluated against a standard liver protective agent (silymarin). The concentration of different serum and tissue biochemical parameters was estimated. Using column chromatography, the active phytoconstituent from the plant extract was isolated and confirmed by UV, FTIR, NMR, and mass spectrometry. The qualitative phytochemical analysis showed the presence of various phytochemicals. Oral administration of the extract at a dose of 2000 mg/kg was shown to be safe, with no signs of behavioral, neurological toxicity, or mortality. Significant restoration of serum and tissue biochemical parameters supported the dose-dependent hepatoprotective capacity. The groups that were given the leaf extract had regular hepatic architecture, suggesting that it had a hepatoprotective function. The presence of quercetin flavonoid was revealed by the analytical techniques, and the hepatoprotective activity was attributed to the chemical compound, quercetin. The findings of this study confirmed that the ethanol leaf extract of Allophylus cobbe possesses hepatoprotective activity and may be used for the treatment of hepatotoxicity.
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