Cellular Mechanism of the Cytotoxic Effects of Medinilla speciosa (Parijoto) Methanol Extract on MCF-7/HER-2 Cells is Through Increased Caspase-9 Protein and Decreased Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v6i8.3
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Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women around the world. Medinilla speciosa (Parijoto) contains quercetin, which has been linked to cancer prevention. However, there have been no previous reports on the cytotoxic effect of Medinilla speciosa on resistant breast cancer cells, such as MCF-7/HER-2. The study was therefore conducted to investigate the cytotoxic effects and mechanism of action of Medinilla speciosa methanol fruit extract (MSMFE) on MCF-7/HER-2 cancer cells, both alone and in combination with cisplatin. MCF-7/HER-2 and Vero cell lines were obtained for the in vitro study. Methanol extract was prepared from Medinilla speciosa fruits. Different concentrations of the extract and cisplatin were tested against the MCF-7/HER-2 cells. For the combination treatment, 88 μg/mL of the MSMFE was added to cisplatin in two different concentrations (2.4 and 8 μM). The MTT assay was employed to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of the extract. Cell viability and expression of caspase-9 and VEGF proteins were analyzed. The results showed that the MSMFE had an IC50 value of 175±0.962 µg/mL on MCF-7/HER-2 cells, indicating a cytotoxic effect. After MSMFE administration, there was an increase in caspase-9 protein expression and a decrease in VEGF expression, and the combination of MSMFE and cisplatin lowered cell viability by 53%. The findings of the study revealed that when combined with cisplatin, Medinilla speciosa methanol fruit extract may have synergistic cytotoxic effects on MCF-7/HER-2 cancer cells. It may also induce apoptosis through increased expression of the caspase-9 protein and inhibit angiogenesis by lowering VEGF expression
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