Effect of Momordica charantia Leaf Extract on Female Fertility and Foetal Well-Being in Sprague-Dawley Rats http://www.doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v6i10.27
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Infertility is a public health issue and women are often blamed for the childlessness of a couple. Solution is sort, sometimes from traditional medicines usually lacking scientific proof of efficacy. This research was aimed at investigating the effect of Momordica charantia leaf extract on female fertility and the well-being of the conceived fetuses. Momordica charantia has been utilized traditionally to treat various ailments with reported biological activities. There is however a dearth of knowledge on the effects of its leaf on female fertility and foetal well-being. Ethanol extract of M. charantia leaf (McL) was administered orally to cyclic Sprague-Dawley (S-D) rats at 100 mg/kg in pre-mating treatment for 14-17 days. Fertility index increased by 20%, number of implantation sites and live fetuses also increased. Foetal weight and crown- rump length in McL group were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than control with no physical malformations observed. This study suggests that pre-mating administration of Momordica charantia leaf extract to Sprague-Dawley rats confers pro-fertility and pro-implantation activities without foetal death or intrauterine growth restrictions at the dose administered.
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