Antioxidant, Anti-hyperlipidemic and Cardioprotective Potentials of Diet Supplemented with Parkia biglobosa Roasted Seeds on Isoproterenol-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Wistar rats
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Metabolic diseases including overweight and cardiovascular diseases have increased to epidemic proportions with cardiovascular diseases as the most common non-communicable diseases globally. In this work, the major aim is to investigate the biological potentials of roasted P. biglobosa seed in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Dry P. biglobosa seeds were pulverized and 100 g were extracted in 85% ethanol for 72 h and filtered. Antioxidant potential was evaluated via DPPH scavenging and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). Thereafter, 24 male Wistar rats (100-150 g) were randomised into four groups and treated as follow: Group
1 (normal saline only), Group 2 (normal saline + ISO 85 mg/kg), Group 3 (1.8 mg/kg propanolol pretreatment + ISO 85 mg/kg); and Group 4 (fed with supplemented P. biglobosa roated seeds (20%) + ISO 85 mg/kg). Twenty-four hours after induction the rats were anaesthesised using diethylether and sacrificed. Blood samples were collected into EDTA bottles by cardiac puncture. Also, based on the earlier reports of the GC-MS profiles, five constituents were selected, optimized and docked against angiotensin converting enzyme (PDB ID: 1O8A) using insilico method. Results showed presence of saponins, phenols and there was a significant decrease in triglycerides and cholesterol in the extract-treated rats when compared with the cardiotoxicity control group. Meanwhile there was no significant difference in the concentration of HDL-c across the group. The study concluded that diet supplemented with P. biglobosa
roasted seeds possessed cardioprotective activity which was mediated via lipid lowering and antioxidant mechanisms in isoproterenol challenged rats.
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