Traditional Uses, Botany, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacology of Pelargonium graveolens: A Comprehensive Review
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Pelargonium graveolens (PG) is a popular medicinal plant, widely used in Africa for centuries to treat various diseases. Because of its wide exploitation, the therapeutic studies of P. graveolens keep penetrating. This research engulfs a comprehension of all previous studies related to this medicinal herb, where it summaries and evaluates the traditional uses, the botany, the phytochemistry, the pharmacology, and the toxicology of P. graveolens. A literature review was conducted through the classic books of herbs, medicine, PhD papers, and online scientific databases, searching up to January 2022. This review analyzes all literature on the research subject. Our main findings are: (1) more than 290 biochemical components have been identified from P. graveolens, counting terpenoids, flavonoids, steroids, alkaloids and other composites. (2) Terpenoids are the most significant biologically active matter detected in this plant. (3) Extracts and compounds of P. graveolens exert a wide range of pharmacological effects. Study of the plant’s toxicological effects has also been restricted as well. P. graveolens has potential in the treatment of numerous ailments, particularly cancers and diabetes. Current investigations confirmed that much traditional uses of P. graveolens has been corroborated by current studies. However, contemporary reports on its pharmacological impacts are not deep enough, and its underlying mechanisms for the cure of tumours and diabetes should be further elucidated.
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