Phospholipase A2 from Naja nigricollis and Inhibitory Activity of Extracts from Commiphora africana (A. Rich.) Engl. (Burseraceae)

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Abdulmumin Z. Abubakar
Abdulrahman Adamu
Umar F. Shehu
Zainab Mohammed
Garba Ibrahim
Mujtaba S. Abubakar


Snakebite envenomation is a neglected global health problem responsible for substantial mortality, disability and psychological morbidity especially in rural tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Phospholipase A2 (PLA2s) enzymes constitute a major toxic venom component especially the venoms from elapids. Naja nigricollis is of the family Elapidae. Commiphora africana is a species of the family Burseraceae which is traditionally used in many parts of Africa for the treatment of number of ailments including snake envenomation, cancer and some inflammatory diseases. The present study was designed to determine the hydrolytic actions of PLA2 present in the N. nigricollis venom in an egg yolk suspension mixture and to access the PLA2 inhibitory effects of extracts of C. africana by acidimetric assay method. The snake venom PLA2 was found to release free fatty acids from the egg yolk suspension in a dose- dependent manner. The venom concentration of 0.1 mg/mL was found to liberate 13.3 µmol of free fatty acids with a decline of pH of 0.1 which may be attributable to the phospholipase A2 in the venom. Higher liberations of 133 µmol levels of free fatty acids was achieved with a decrease of pH of 1.0 at concentrations of 4.0 mg/mL of the venom. The PLA2 inhibitory activity observed from the extracts and fractions also showed concentration-dependent inhibition as depicted by the IC50 values. These results may provide some scientific basis for the usefulness of the plant in the traditional management of snakebite envenomation across Africa.


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How to Cite
Z. Abubakar, A., Adamu, A., F. Shehu, U., Mohammed, Z., Ibrahim, G., & S. Abubakar, M. (2020). Phospholipase A2 from Naja nigricollis and Inhibitory Activity of Extracts from Commiphora africana (A. Rich.) Engl. (Burseraceae): Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 4(7), 286-291.

How to Cite

Z. Abubakar, A., Adamu, A., F. Shehu, U., Mohammed, Z., Ibrahim, G., & S. Abubakar, M. (2020). Phospholipase A2 from Naja nigricollis and Inhibitory Activity of Extracts from Commiphora africana (A. Rich.) Engl. (Burseraceae): Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 4(7), 286-291.


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