Toxicity Evaluation of Ethanol Extract of Lansium domesticum cv kokossan Seeds in Female Wistar Rats
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The seed extract of Lansium domesticum cv kokossan contains a new tetranotriterpenoid compound, kokosanolide A, that has the potential to be used as an anticancer agent. This study aims to evaluate the acute toxicity level of the ethanol extract of L. domesticum cv kokossan seed in female Wistar rats. The experiment was done based on OECD 425:2006 guidelines. The rats were divided into six groups, the amount of ethanol extract of L. domesticum cv kokossan seeds that were given to group I-IV were 5, 50, 500 and 5000 g/kg BW, respectively. Group V was DMSO as vehicle control and group VI was doxorubicin as a positive control. The results showed a strong negative correlation between dose of the extract and the weight gain of tested animals (r = -0.93). The administration of the extract increased the relative weight of organs only at a high dose. Histopathological examination showed a sublethal manifestation of cell
damage in the form of vacuolization of hydropic and fatty acid degeneration, particularly in hepatocytes of liver and renal tubules cells. The toxic signs, organ damage and liver enzyme biomarkers did not show significant difference compared to the control. The pseudo LD50 value estimated by Probit analysis was above 5000 mg/kg BW for ethanol extract, which categorized as relatively harmless. The findings showed non-toxic effects of the ethanol extracts of L. domesticum cv kokosan seeds on the female Wistar rat after acute administration.
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