The Correlation between Belief and Adherence to Therapeutic Regimens in Pharmaceutical Care for Tuberculosis Patients in Primary Healthcare Centres in Surabaya, Indonesia
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Adherence to therapeutic regimens is a health behaviour which can be explained through the concept of the theory of Health Belief Model (HBM) which starts from belief which plays an important role in shaping mindset and patient adherence behaviour. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between belief and adherence to the therapeutic regimens in pharmaceutical care models for tuberculosis patients in primary healthcare centres. This research is a quantitative cross sectional analytic study at Perak Timur, Gading, and Manukan Kulon primary healthcare centres in the Surabaya area. Data collection for tuberculosis patients was carried out at the primary healthcare centres for 2 months (from October to November 2017). The independent variable is belief in drug therapy which consists of the sub-variables of perceived threats, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and perceptions of self-efficacy. The dependent variable was adherence to therapeutic regimens with indicators of the right dosage, right frequency, right interval, right time to take medication, and right duration of therapy. Out of a total of 61 respondents, 32 (52.46%) were found adherent; taking the combination fixed dose antituberculosis drug and 29 (47.54%) patients did not adhere. Analysis of
data with the Spearman Test showed p = 0.004 (p < 0.05) which means there is a correlation between belief and adherence to therapeutic regimens. Our findings showed a significant relationship between belief and adherence to therapeutic regimens in pharmaceutical care for tuberculosis patients attending primary healthcare centres in Surabaya, Indonesia.
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World Health Organization, Global tuberculosis report 2019 [online] Available from:,
Accessed August 6, 2020.
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