Acute and Sub-Chronic Toxicity Studies on Methanol Stem Bark Extract of Cussonia barteri Seeman (Araliaceae) in Wistar Rats

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Galadanchi F. Abdurrahman
Aminu Ambi
Muhammad Bisallah
Abdulhakim Abubakar
Abdulhamid Yusuf
Usman M. Jajere
Idris Z. Yabagi


Cussonia barteri (Seemann.) belongs to the family Araliaceae. It is widely distributed in the Northern part of Nigeria and is being exploited for its medicinal importance. This study investigated the possible toxicity of the methanol stem bark extract of Cussonia barteri in Wistar rats. Methanol extract of Cussonia barteri (MECB) was subjected to acute and subchronic toxicity studies using the Guidelines of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD 425 and 407, respectively). Limit Test method was employed for acute toxicity using ten male Wistar rats. Group one served as control (5 rats) while group two was administered 5000 mg/kg of MECB and observed for 14 days. The sub-chronic toxicity studies were carried out using 4 groups of rats which were dosed daily for 28 days. The first group was the control, while the rats in groups 2, 3 and 4 were administered MECB (250, 500 and 1000mg/kg, respectively). The experiment was concluded on the 29th day and the rats were anaesthetized to obtain organs and blood samples for histological, biochemical and haematological investigations. The oral median lethal dose was >5000 mg/kg. In the sub-chronic
toxicity studies, there was a significant (P<0.05) increase in body weight of the rats at 250mg/kg in the 4th week compared to control. There were no significant (P > 0.05) changes in the renal and haematological parameters compared to control. The results showed that MECB stem bark is non-toxic following acute administration and demonstrated slight sub-chronic toxicity tendency in Wistar rats. 


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How to Cite
Abdurrahman, G. F., Ambi, A., Bisallah, M., Abubakar, A., Yusuf, A., Jajere, U. M., & Yabagi, I. Z. (2020). Acute and Sub-Chronic Toxicity Studies on Methanol Stem Bark Extract of Cussonia barteri Seeman (Araliaceae) in Wistar Rats: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 4(8), 392-396.

How to Cite

Abdurrahman, G. F., Ambi, A., Bisallah, M., Abubakar, A., Yusuf, A., Jajere, U. M., & Yabagi, I. Z. (2020). Acute and Sub-Chronic Toxicity Studies on Methanol Stem Bark Extract of Cussonia barteri Seeman (Araliaceae) in Wistar Rats: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 4(8), 392-396.


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